Katie in Manchester

Katie had never heard of Doctor Who until 'Rose' aired in 2005. From that moment on, she was hooked, actively searching out Doctor Who merchandise from both old and new school. Her current favourite pieces are her 12" Imperial Dalek, more often known as Steve, and her Palitoy Dalek, who has yet to gain himself a name.

Now admittedly more of a classic series fan, her favourite Doctor has ended up being the Sixth and her favourite companion being Ace. She admits to having a 'thing' for the eighties Doctors and their companions, although she does love all of the Doctors and all of the companions. Yes, even Mel and Adric.

Although her collection will, most likely, remain small, it doesn't bother her that much - she's not too bothered with getting every single piece of merchandise produced, but she would be quite pleased with a few more Dapol figures.

Katie can be contacted by Email Katie

Enjoy this small sample of
Katie's Collection

Click on the section below to see more

Corgi Die-cast Figures
Dapol figures
Palitoy Dalek
Dalek Sec, Dalek Thay and the Genesis Ark.
The Doctor and his companions
Cybermen and the Master
Cyberman room-guard
`Steve` the Dalek.
Dalek egg-cup

Katie can be contacted by Email Katie
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Katie in Manchester and may not be used or reproduced in any way without her explicit written consent.

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